Used to prevent and control sap-feeding insects, effectively breaking resistance cycles. Targets pests such as: Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens), Green leafhopper (Nephotettix spp.), Tea mosquito bug (Helopeltis spp.), Aphids (Aphididae), Thrips (Thripidae), Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci)
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Dual-action contact and ingestion insecticide that penetrates leaves for fast-acting pest control. Enhances effectiveness, reducing the risk of insect resistance.
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Coats the soil surface, absorbed through roots, and destroys weeds that germinate from seeds. It controls pre-emergence and early post-emergence weeds. It is non-selective, effectively eliminating both narrow-leaf and broadleaf weeds.
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Organophosphate insecticides are beneficial for controlling a wide range of pests including coffee berry borer, red spider mites, mango leafhoppers, lychee erinose mites, eggplant aphids, citrus mealybugs, potato aphids, whiteflies, thrips, mango hoppers, chicken lice, beetles, weevils, leafhoppers, shoot borers, leafhoppers, fruit flies, and cucumber beetles.
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The molluscicide, which is a white powder substance, is composed of metaldehyde and emits a scent similar to menthol. It is used for controlling slugs effectively.
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The plant pest acaricide, upon contact or ingestion, leads to mortality. It controls egg laying and eliminates mature mites such as garlic mites, red spider mites, pepper white mites, eggplant mites, and rose mites. It also reduces pesticide resistance. It is recommended for use in conjunction with systemic insecticides.
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The mode of action is contact and ingestion poison with slight systemic absorption. It controls and reduces the number of caterpillar eggs, inhibits molting, interrupts growth cycles, hampers chitin synthesis, leading to caterpillars' inability to feed and eventual death. It does not induce pesticide resistance and effectively eliminates caterpillars, aphids, and plant pests.
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แพนโดล่า เหลือง
The insecticide is a systemic, cold-formulated solution that effectively eliminates insects through both contact and ingestion. It is used to prevent and eradicate aphids, brown planthoppers, leafhoppers, whiteflies, termites, borers, leafminer larvae, and leaf roller caterpillars. It is safe for plants and the environment.
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The insecticide protects and eliminates stalk borers, cutworms, leaf rollers, beetles, aphids, leafhoppers, mealybugs, flower caterpillars, fruit flies, thrips, beetles, caterpillars, leaf miners, ants, and rice and grain weevils.
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The substance inhibits the shedding of larvae and the growth of sucking insects.
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ฟีไซด์ 50
The insecticide targets aphids, brown planthoppers, thrips, and various sucking insects.
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Control the outbreak of nymphs, adults, garlic mites, red spider mites, pepper white mites, aphids, and rose mites. Fast-acting systemic formula, for use in conjunction with contact-type pesticides.
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The Phenylpyrazole group insecticides effectively control aphids, leafhoppers, caterpillars, such as rice and sugarcane borers, leafrollers, ants, termites, and also prevent resistance. They have good adhesion to the soil and can penetrate the surface of plant leaves.
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ไมด้า 10
The neonicotinoid group of insecticides targets the central nervous system of pests, effectively controlling aphids, leaf miners, whiteflies, thrips, and other sucking insects. They have fast systemic absorption and immediately inhibit the feeding behavior of pests.
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มัคเต 25
Eradicate Piercing-Sucking Insects: Citrus Leafminer, Brown Planthopper, Brown Leafhopper, Green Leafhopper, Whiteflies, Mealybugs, Thrips, Aphids, Psyllids. Can be used for seedling immersion and seed coating to prevent insect infestation.
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Eradicate all types of moth caterpillars, protect against fruit borer, aphids, and leaf roller caterpillars. Environmentally friendly and safe for cultivated plants.
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เอทั่ม จี
Mode of Action: Antagonizes the function of Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the central nervous system of insects, preventing and controlling rice leaf folder, rice stem borers, sugarcane borers, weevils, and aphids.
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เคมเพอร่า 35
Pyrethroid synthetic group insecticide effectively eliminates cabbage worms, fruit and stem borers, stem borers, beetles, providing rapid knockdown with no residual effect.
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นาเฟีย 6 จี
Prevent and control leafhoppers, aphids, stalk borers, leaf rollers effectively for an extended period, reducing resistance buildup in broadcast fields. Conveniently applicable in dry and dusty conditions with consistent granular pellets.
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To control pests of the Lepidopterous group (moths), including eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult stages (flying adults), fruit borers, aphids, leaf miners, and thrips in peppers.
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Neonicotinoid pesticides exert their effects by inhibiting and killing sap-sucking insects such as aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, thrips, leafhoppers, and other piercing-sucking insects.
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Semi-systemic insecticide, lethal and stomach poison, Avermectin special concentrated formula, high B1a content, effectively controls aphids, leaf miners, caterpillars, red mites, with excellent systemic action, exhibiting up to 50% lower loss rate compared to regular types.
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ยูมิด้า 70
Neonicotinoid substances destroys the central nervous system Eliminate thrips, leafworms, whitefly. The products is mixed with surfactant.
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Prevent and eliminate Durian bark scale, Durian psyllids, Rice armyworm, Scarab beetles, termite.
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The product is concentrated and economical formula; effective for 7-14 days. Neonicotinoid substances destroys the central nervous system Eliminate thrips, leafworms, whitefly.
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Cholinesterase inhibitor (CT Oil, castor oil formula) prevents various mites, thrips, aphids, diamondback moth, cotton worm, beetle, cabbage looper.
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Neonicotinoid substances new development formula more active. Eliminates thrips, leafworms, whitefly; safe for bees flowers and fruit, pollinating completely.
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Phenyl pyrazole concentrated, fast-acting (highly concentrated pure formula, technical grade level), prevents thrips, flea beetle, rice leaf folder. It adheres well to the soil and penetrates the plant leaf surface.
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