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Used for preventing and controlling fungal diseases, including: Rice diseases: Rice blast, Sheath blight, Grain discoloration, Bakanae disease, Vegetable & fruit tree diseases:Anthracnose (Chili, Mango, Grapes, Durian, Longan), Fruit rot & leaf spot (Peppers, Eggplants, Onions, Garlic, Asparagus, Peas, Yardlong beans), Powdery mildew & Pink disease (Durian, Mangosteen), Southern leaf blight (Corn), Rust (Soybean)

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Used to prevent and control sap-feeding insects, effectively breaking resistance cycles. Targets pests such as: Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens), Green leafhopper (Nephotettix spp.), Tea mosquito bug (Helopeltis spp.), Aphids (Aphididae), Thrips (Thripidae), Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci)

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Dual-action contact and ingestion insecticide that penetrates leaves for fast-acting pest control. Enhances effectiveness, reducing the risk of insect resistance.

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Coats the soil surface, absorbed through roots, and destroys weeds that germinate from seeds. It controls pre-emergence and early post-emergence weeds. It is non-selective, effectively eliminating both narrow-leaf and broadleaf weeds.

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A combination herbicide for weed suppression, killing, and control of both narrow-leaf and broadleaf weeds.

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เคมเทกซ์ 90

Controls germinating weed seeds by preventing their growth and also works on early post-emergence weeds. It is non-selective, effective against both narrow-leaf and broadleaf weeds.

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Used for post-emergence weed control in direct-seeded rice and transplanted rice fields, as well as certain field crops requiring the control of narrow-leaf weeds such as Echinochloa crus-galli (Barnyard grass), Leptochloa chinensis (Sprangletop), Eleusine indica (Goosegrass), and Ischaemum rugosum (Wrinkled grass).

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A herbicide in the chloroacetamides group used before weed emergence (pre-emergence).

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แพคริช 15%

The substance controls plant growth.

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แพคริช 10%

The substance controls plant growth and stimulates flowering, allowing plants to flower earlier than their natural season.

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The fungicide helps to eliminate fungi and also aids in combating bacterial infections.

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The group of carbamates and acylanines is absorbed through the roots and leaves and transported internally within the stem through the xylem.

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The Carbamate fungicide group consists of systemic fungicides that work by absorption. They are effective for both preventing and controlling plant diseases.

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เคมโพสต์ เอสซี

It is a selective herbicide from the Triazines group, available in liquid form, which dissolves easily and is convenient to use. It inhibits the photosynthesis process by binding to a specific site in the chlorophyll, affecting the growth of plants. This causes abnormal symptoms in plants, such as yellowing of the leaves, eventually leading to wilting and death.

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It is a herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds such as Indian marshweed and Chinese violet, and sedge weeds such as purple nutsedge, sand sedge, and flat sedge.

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ลีนเนต 48

It is a substance with absorptive properties and can translocate well within plants. It is used post-emergence (after weed emergence) to control narrow-leaf weeds such as small-flowered Alexandergrass, and broadleaf weeds such as Siam weed, creeping woodsorrel, and sensitive plant.

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T-Bis ทีบีส

Leaf adhesives help enhance efficiency by reducing runoff, fortifying the effectiveness of applied products. They mitigate resistance issues, prolonging efficacy, and accelerate the absorption of all types of substances.

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Mode of action: Systemic action, preventing and eradicating purple spot disease in onions, garlic, and rice blast disease. Also effective against leaf spot, leaf blight, brown stripe disease, grain smut, sheath blight, powdery mildew, downy mildew, dried shrimp disease in peppers. Rapid onset of action, resistant to easy wash-off, provides long-lasting control of plant diseases.

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ริชแลค 35

Absorbent and inhibitory, it suppresses the growth and germination of fungal spores, preventing and eradicating plant diseases such as leaf blight, leaf spot, fruit rot, stem rot, Phytophthora blight, downy mildew, and black rot.

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ริชแลค 25

Absorbs and inhibits, restraining fungal hyphae growth and spore germination, effectively preventing and eradicating plant diseases such as leaf blight, leaf spot, fruit rot, stem rot, Phytophthora blight, downy mildew, and black rot.

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Systemic and contact fungicide, inhibiting hyphae and spore formation, and protecting against fungal infections. It prevents and eliminates various plant diseases such as powdery mildew in the cucurbit family, anthracnose, damping-off disease, early blight, purple spot disease, leaf blight, and root rot.

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Organophosphate insecticides are beneficial for controlling a wide range of pests including coffee berry borer, red spider mites, mango leafhoppers, lychee erinose mites, eggplant aphids, citrus mealybugs, potato aphids, whiteflies, thrips, mango hoppers, chicken lice, beetles, weevils, leafhoppers, shoot borers, leafhoppers, fruit flies, and cucumber beetles.

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The molluscicide, which is a white powder substance, is composed of metaldehyde and emits a scent similar to menthol. It is used for controlling slugs effectively.

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The plant pest acaricide, upon contact or ingestion, leads to mortality. It controls egg laying and eliminates mature mites such as garlic mites, red spider mites, pepper white mites, eggplant mites, and rose mites. It also reduces pesticide resistance. It is recommended for use in conjunction with systemic insecticides.

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The mode of action is contact and ingestion poison with slight systemic absorption. It controls and reduces the number of caterpillar eggs, inhibits molting, interrupts growth cycles, hampers chitin synthesis, leading to caterpillars' inability to feed and eventual death. It does not induce pesticide resistance and effectively eliminates caterpillars, aphids, and plant pests.

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แพนโดล่า เหลือง

The insecticide is a systemic, cold-formulated solution that effectively eliminates insects through both contact and ingestion. It is used to prevent and eradicate aphids, brown planthoppers, leafhoppers, whiteflies, termites, borers, leafminer larvae, and leaf roller caterpillars. It is safe for plants and the environment.

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The insecticide protects and eliminates stalk borers, cutworms, leaf rollers, beetles, aphids, leafhoppers, mealybugs, flower caterpillars, fruit flies, thrips, beetles, caterpillars, leaf miners, ants, and rice and grain weevils.

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The substance inhibits the shedding of larvae and the growth of sucking insects.

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เคมเทกซ์ 50 เอสซี

The herbicide controls the germination of weeds and helps to manage weeds before they germinate in the cultivation plot.

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It is a herbicide that is absorbed through the leaves and inhibits cell division at the growing tips of weeds. It is used to control narrow-leaved weeds and inhibit their growth, suitable for use in broadcast rice fields and dry-seeded rice fields.

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"The herbicide controls grass weeds such as barnyard grass and watergrass in rice fields. It is a powder formula that dissolves well in water. It acts by systemic absorption, inhibiting the specific enzyme involved in amino acid synthesis, which is essential for plant growth. It helps to halt weed growth and ultimately leads to their death."

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Use before weed emergence (pre-emergence) in shallots to control narrow-leaved weeds such as pink grass, white flower grass, goosegrass, and barnyard grass, and also capable of controlling broad-leaved weeds such as stonebreaker and kale.

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This is a systemic herbicide that can penetrate into plants and effectively eliminate broad-leaved weeds, reaching down to the roots underground. Examples of weeds that this herbicide can eradicate include pigweed, pig grass, morning glory, creeping woodsorrel, feather cock's comb, barnyard grass, nut sedge, fox nut, and ground cover plants.

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Mix with energy and nutrient stimulants for flowering induction, flower opening, flower and fruit maintenance, and to promote fruit setting. This cool formula can be used for multiple flower inductions through spraying.

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Mixed with energy-boosting substances and fertilizer absorbents, it is recommended to use during the recovery period after harvesting. It stimulates root and leaf growth consistently, as well as flower bud formation.

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Enhanced nutrient absorption, improved soil structure adjustment, promoting well-drained and loamy soil, water retention, pH balance regulation, resolving compacted soil issues, drought-resistant plants, rejuvenation after harvest, stimulating new root growth, utilizing modern extraction methods.

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Prevent and control dewy mildew, powdery mildew, leaf spots, anthracnose, scab, downy mildew, melanose, soybean rust. Formulated with enhanced penetration, resistance to wash-off, and easy dissolution.

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This is a biofungicide used to prevent and control fungal diseases such as leaf blight, leaf spot in durian, powdery mildew in rambutan, stem rot in seedlings, collar rot, root rot, and black root rot in strawberries.

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Prevents and controls a wide range of rice diseases including rice blast, bacterial leaf blight, and sheath blight, which are the main causes of seedling blight. Stops outbreaks immediately, resulting in healthy leaves and disease-free seeds.

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เมอร์ซี่ 70

Prevent and control plant diseases such as powdery mildew, leaf blight, anthracnose, black rot, leaf spot, leaf blisters, fleshy, delicate leaves. Easily dissolved, suitable for green leafy plants, large leaf rice, and erect leaves.

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Control and kill, stop disease immediately, interrupt disease spread instantly, effective against anthracnose, shrimp mold, leaf spot, rice diseases. Non-aromatic formula, safe for flowers, fruits, quick recovery.

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Controlling downy mildew disease caused by the pathogen Pseudoperonospora cubensis and leaf blight disease caused by the pathogen Phytophthora infestans, controlling fruit rot disease caused by Phytophthora in durian, anthracnose leaf spot disease, and eye spot.

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Control of Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Cercospora leaf spot in vegetables caused by Cercospora asparagi, Downy Mildew, Purple Blotch Leaf Spot, and skin blemishes in lychee.

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ฟีไซด์ 50

The insecticide targets aphids, brown planthoppers, thrips, and various sucking insects.

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Control the outbreak of nymphs, adults, garlic mites, red spider mites, pepper white mites, aphids, and rose mites. Fast-acting systemic formula, for use in conjunction with contact-type pesticides.

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The Phenylpyrazole group insecticides effectively control aphids, leafhoppers, caterpillars, such as rice and sugarcane borers, leafrollers, ants, termites, and also prevent resistance. They have good adhesion to the soil and can penetrate the surface of plant leaves.

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ไมด้า 10

The neonicotinoid group of insecticides targets the central nervous system of pests, effectively controlling aphids, leaf miners, whiteflies, thrips, and other sucking insects. They have fast systemic absorption and immediately inhibit the feeding behavior of pests.

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มัคเต 25

Eradicate Piercing-Sucking Insects: Citrus Leafminer, Brown Planthopper, Brown Leafhopper, Green Leafhopper, Whiteflies, Mealybugs, Thrips, Aphids, Psyllids. Can be used for seedling immersion and seed coating to prevent insect infestation.

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Eradicate all types of moth caterpillars, protect against fruit borer, aphids, and leaf roller caterpillars. Environmentally friendly and safe for cultivated plants.

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เอทั่ม จี

Mode of Action: Antagonizes the function of Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the central nervous system of insects, preventing and controlling rice leaf folder, rice stem borers, sugarcane borers, weevils, and aphids.

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เคมเพอร่า 35

Pyrethroid synthetic group insecticide effectively eliminates cabbage worms, fruit and stem borers, stem borers, beetles, providing rapid knockdown with no residual effect.

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นาเฟีย 6 จี

Prevent and control leafhoppers, aphids, stalk borers, leaf rollers effectively for an extended period, reducing resistance buildup in broadcast fields. Conveniently applicable in dry and dusty conditions with consistent granular pellets.

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To control pests of the Lepidopterous group (moths), including eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult stages (flying adults), fruit borers, aphids, leaf miners, and thrips in peppers.

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Neonicotinoid pesticides exert their effects by inhibiting and killing sap-sucking insects such as aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, thrips, leafhoppers, and other piercing-sucking insects.

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Semi-systemic insecticide, lethal and stomach poison, Avermectin special concentrated formula, high B1a content, effectively controls aphids, leaf miners, caterpillars, red mites, with excellent systemic action, exhibiting up to 50% lower loss rate compared to regular types.

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To control post-emergent weeds, including narrow-leaved weeds such as Digitaria sanguinalis, Echinochloa colona, Amaranthus viridis, Cyperus difformis, and Eleusine indica.

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Post-emergent herbicides control germinated weeds, eliminating both narrow and broadleaf weeds such as barnyard grass, cornflower, smartweed, goosegrass, sandbur, and duckweed.

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Selective herbicides for controlling both narrow and broadleaf weeds, such as barnyard grass, goosegrass, large crabgrass, pink pappusgrass, foxtail, whitehead grass, and junglerice.

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Post-emergence weed control for plants approximately 20 cm tall, both narrow and broad-leaved, with easy dissolvability and no clogging of the spray nozzle.

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ซานโต้ 20

Post-emergence weed control in broadcast rice fields targets broad-leaved weeds such as water mimosa and barnyard grass, as well as grassy weeds like goosegrass, sandbur, and fishhook. Apply the herbicide 15 days after broadcasting rice seeds, and conduct irrigation into the treated plots 2-3 days later.

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เคมโพสต์ 80 ดับบลิวจี

Weed control for weeds up to approximately 20 cm tall, both narrow and broadleaf types. The granular formulation ensures 100% dissolution, providing maximum effectiveness. It does not scatter or disperse, meeting global standards.

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Pre-emergence weed control targeting both narrow-leaf and broadleaf weeds, with an emphasis on controlling broadleaf weeds. It exhibits good drought tolerance and is safe for crops, posing no issues for subsequent rice cultivation.

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Herbicides for pre-emergence weed control in rice and sugarcane fields (dry herbicides) can control both grassy and broadleaf weeds. They inhibit the root development of weeds, allowing long-term soil surface adhesion and suppression. These herbicides can be used for both dry and wet application methods.

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This is a pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicide that: Controls weeds before they germinate from the seeds and after they have emerged Is easy to dissolve and does not clog spray nozzles The key features are: Controls weeds both before and after emergence Easily soluble formula that does not cause nozzle blockages

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This herbicide is used to selectively control broadleaf weeds in rice fields and upland crops, such as Eclipta prostrata (false daisy), Ludwigia octovalvis (water primrose), Cyperus iria (ricefield flatsedge), Cyperus difformis (smallflower umbrella sedge), Monochoria vaginalis (pickerelweed), and Sphenoclea zeylanica (gooseweed).

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Eliminate post-emergent weeds at the early stage. Target narrow-leaf weeds with no more than 3-4 leaves in broadleaf crops such as lettuce, bitter gourd, rubber vine, stonebreaker, and pigweed. Safe for direct application over plants, and does not linger in the soil.

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To eliminate post-emergence weeds, targeting narrow-leaf weeds with no more than 3-4 leaves in crops with broad leaves such as grasses, goosegrass, buffalo grass, crabgrass, barnyard grass, and seedlings, ensuring safety for the cultivated plants, with systemic absorption to destroy both the foliage and roots.

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Post-emergence weed control in flooded rice fields. Controls narrow-leaf weeds such as barnyard grass.

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Herbicide to control and kill weeds in post-emergence applications in rice fields, 7-12 days after sowing. Controls both grassy and broadleaf weeds, including sedges.

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แลนทาน่า 25

Plant Growth Regulator taken up into the xylem through the leaves, stems, or roots, and translocated to growing sub-apical meristems.

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Combined with chelated trace elements (EDTA) and energy synthesis and transport stimulants.

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Drought tolerant plants help balance and control transpiration. Green, thick, glossy leaves, good rooting, good fertilization, grows quickly after pollination Plants absorb more Iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn).

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Mixed with Boron , Zinc in EDTA form, balanced charge, enlarged ovary, help perfect pollination. Accelerate seed formation Reduce flower fall and fruit, reduce the problem of fruit cracking, perfect fruit, good weight.

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Mixed with various nutrients in the form of EDTA and stimulants for energy generation and fertilization. plant growth; big fruits; nourish the flowers.

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ยูมิด้า 70

Neonicotinoid substances destroys the central nervous system Eliminate thrips, leafworms, whitefly. The products is mixed with surfactant.

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Prevent and eliminate Durian bark scale, Durian psyllids, Rice armyworm, Scarab beetles, termite.

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The product is concentrated and economical formula; effective for 7-14 days. Neonicotinoid substances destroys the central nervous system Eliminate thrips, leafworms, whitefly.

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Cholinesterase inhibitor (CT Oil, castor oil formula) prevents various mites, thrips, aphids, diamondback moth, cotton worm, beetle, cabbage looper.

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Neonicotinoid substances new development formula more active. Eliminates thrips, leafworms, whitefly; safe for bees flowers and fruit, pollinating completely.

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Phenyl pyrazole concentrated, fast-acting (highly concentrated pure formula, technical grade level), prevents thrips, flea beetle, rice leaf folder. It adheres well to the soil and penetrates the plant leaf surface.

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Prevents and eliminates a wide variety of diseases growth inhibition the cell division of fungi such as Anthracnose, Powdery mildew, Rice diseases. The formula is dissolves.

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As a broad-spectrum triazole fungicide; Anthracnose in fruits disease, Purple Blotch disease, Late blight, Powdery mildew, White rust in ornamental.

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Kasugamycin has systemic activity and is widely used to control the rice blast disease caused by Pyricularia oryzae.

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The chemical is absorbed by the leaves and roots and translocate acropetally and basipetally. Basset is recommended for control of Blast disease in rice.

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It is used on vegetables, fruits, ornamental such as Anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum sp.

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The fungicide absorbed rapidly by the roots, with translocation through the plant. The product contains zinc (Zn), which makes plants green and prevent of disease resistance.

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The product is a pre-emergence herbicide for control of grasses, sedges and some broad leaf weeds in transplanted Rice.

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The product is excellent control against a wide range of both annual grass weeds and certain broadleaf weeds such as Small Flower Umbrella Sedge.

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เอโซ่ 30 พลัส

For the control of broadleaf weeds in Rice, Cassava, Corn, Sugarcane, Fingerroot.

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เอโซ่ 30

For the control of broadleaf weeds in Rice, Cassava, Corn, Sugarcane, Fingerroot.

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Glufosinate provides control of many annual broadleaf and grass weeds, Glufosinate also provides suppression of some perennial weeds. Glufosinate has no soil activity.

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Elimination of early post-emergence weeds in rice, the product control narrow leaf weed and broadleaf weed such as Small Flower Umbrella Sedge, Little ironweed.

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