Control of Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Cercospora leaf spot in vegetables caused by Cercospora asparagi, Downy Mildew, Purple Blotch Leaf Spot, and skin blemishes in lychee.
Categories : Fungicide , 
Active Ingredient : Azoxystrobin 25% SC
Group : 11
Mode of Action : Systemic action with wide-ranging effectiveness against plant diseases
Purposes : Control of Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Anthracnose, Cercospora leaf spot in vegetables caused by Cercospora asparagi, Downy Mildew, Purple Blotch Leaf Spot, and skin blemishes in lychee.
Target Plants : Fruit trees, various vegetables, leafy vegetables, stem vegetables, root vegetables, rice
Usage Rate : 5-10 cc and reapplication not exceeding 10 days.
Packaging Size : 1 Liter × 20