The mode of action is contact and ingestion poison with slight systemic absorption. It controls and reduces the number of caterpillar eggs, inhibits molting, interrupts growth cycles, hampers chitin synthesis, leading to caterpillars' inability to feed and eventual death. It does not induce pesticide resistance and effectively eliminates caterpillars, aphids, and plant pests.
Categories : Insecticide , 
Lufenuron 5% + Profenofos 50%
ลูเฟนนูรอน 5%+โพรฟีโนฟอส 50% EC
Group : 1B + 15
Mode of Action : Contact and ingestion poison with slight systemic absorption
Objective : To control and reduce the number of caterpillar eggs, inhibit molting, interrupt growth cycles, hamper chitin synthesis in caterpillars, leading to their inability to feed and eventual death. It does not induce pesticide resistance and effectively eliminates caterpillars, aphids, and plant pests.
Target Crops : Rice, fruit trees, vegetables
Application Rate : 10-20 cc per 20 liters of water
Packaging Size : 500 cc * 20 / 1 Liter * 20