

A combination herbicide for weed suppression, killing, and control of both narrow-leaf and broadleaf weeds.


Categories : Herbicide



Diuron 46.8% + Hexazinone 13.2% WG
ไดยูรอน 46.8 +เฮกซะซิโนน 13.2 WG

Group : C2 + C1
Mode of Action : Absorbed through both leaves and roots, effective for pre-emergence and post-emergence weed control. It provides long-lasting control as it remains in the soil and inhibits weed germination over an extended period.
Objective : A combination herbicide for weed suppression, killing, and control of both narrow-leaf and broadleaf weeds.
Target Crops : Sugarcane, rubber trees, and certain fruit trees such as orange and mango.
Application Rate : Sugarcane: 100-200 g per 20 liters of water, sprayed over 1 rai (1,600 m²).
Rubber trees & fruit trees: 100-150 g per 20 liters of water, sprayed only around the base of the tree.
Packaging Size : 1 kg x 12

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