The Carbamate fungicide group consists of systemic fungicides that work by absorption. They are effective for both preventing and controlling plant diseases.
Categories : Fungicide ,
Propamocarb Hydrochloride 72.2% SL
โพรพาโมคาร์บไฮโดรคลอไรด์ 72.2% SL
Group: 28
Mode of Action: It has a dual mechanism of action: it inhibits the synthesis of fatty acids, which provide elasticity to fungal cell walls, leading to an abnormal increase in sterol levels that cause cell wall leakage, and it inhibits nucleic acid synthesis by disrupting the RNA polymerase 1 enzyme. It is an absorbent substance through both roots and leaves, useful for treating and preventing soil-borne diseases like damping-off and Phytophthora fungus.
Purpose: Prevents and controls black rot or rot symptoms in orchids, fungal plant diseases caused by Phytophthora, such as late blight in potatoes, downy mildew in cucurbits, and various fungal diseases in vegetables.
Target Plants: Field crops, horticultural crops, fruit trees, ornamental plants, rice fields
Application Rate: 10-40 cc per 20 liters of water
Packaging Size: 500 cc x 20 / 1 liter x 20