เคมเทกซ์ 90


Controls germinating weed seeds by preventing their growth and also works on early post-emergence weeds. It is non-selective, effective against both narrow-leaf and broadleaf weeds.


Categories : Herbicide


เคมเทกซ์ 90

Atrazine 90% WG
อะทราซีน 90% WG

Group : C1
Mode of Action : Soil-applied herbicide, absorbed through the roots. It controls germinating weed seeds by preventing their growth and also works on early post-emergence weeds. It is non-selective, effective against both narrow-leaf and broadleaf weeds.
Objective : Used as a pre-emergence or early post-emergence herbicide by spraying on the soil surface after planting crops or during early tillering stages before weed emergence. It provides long-lasting weed control in the soil, effectively managing narrow-leaf and broadleaf weeds.
Target Crops : Corn, sugarcane, cassava, rubber trees, and other field crops.
Application Rate : Sugarcane: 500 g per 80 liters of water per rai (1,600 m²)
Other field crops: 300-500 g per 80 liters of water per rai, depending on the crop type
Packaging Size : 1 kg x 12

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